SSCAN supports a Washington State Green Amendment.

In August, the youth-led case Held v. Montana set a groundbreaking precedent, affirming Montanans’ constitutional right to a clean and healthy environment, based on their Green Amendment. Montana had enacted its Green Amendment in 1972, following Pennsylvania’s lead, which became the first state to pass a Green Amendment in 1971. In 2021, New York joined the movement as the third state to adopt a Green Amendment. The momentum didn’t stop there, with thirteen other U.S. states currently pursuing Green Amendments, while global interest swelled in recognizing the people’s right to clean air, water, and a healthy environment for current and future generations. This was a defining moment, shaping the path toward a more environmentally conscious and responsible world.

Activists here in Washington are organizing to pass our own Green AmendmentA Green Amendment to our state constitution would guarantee every Washington resident’s right to a clean and healthy environment at the same level as our civil rights. We believe that clean water, clean air, food that’s safe to eat and wilderness left to explore is essential to our collective well being.