Legislative Priorities


Current And Past Priorities

2025 Priorities

2025 Washington State Legislation:  Priority Climate Bills

*Choose one or more bills; then call, write, share with your elected representatives!

*See your State Senator/Reps email and phone number below or look up at: https://leg.wa.gov/legislators/

*See phone/letter message template at the end

  1. Protect Advanced Clean Trucks and Climate Progress
    In President Trump’s first term in office, he rolled back more than 100 environmental laws and regulations. As he gears up for a second term, he has appointed an oil company executive to head the Department of Energy and an EPA Director with an extreme directive to deregulate and make polluters richer. Washington State will not follow that path, and we need steadfast leadership to safeguard vulnerable rules like the Advanced Clean Trucks rule, clean energy policies, and programs to lower costs by supporting energy efficiency in our homes and businesses.
  2. Invest in Climate Action
    62% of voters – a clear super majority – upheld the state’s program to reduce dangerous climate pollution and invest in clean air, public health, job creation, and transportation. As the state faces a large funding shortfall, we will make sure that budget writers uphold the people’s will. Climate funds should be used for their intended purpose.
  3. Sewage Spill Right-to-Know
    Hundreds of sewage overflows occur every year.  Few are widely reported to the general public. Too often, the public only finds out about these spills when their local beach or fishing area is closed because of contaminated water. This legislation will create a public website and information system to improve public access to timely information about sewage releases in their communities.
  4. The Recycling Reform Act (formerly the WRAP Act)
    People are frustrated with excess packaging and plastic pollution. More than 50% of Washington’s consumer packaging and paper products are landfilled or incinerated, wasting an estimated $104 million in valuable materials. The Recycling Reform Act will require packaging and paper product companies and brands to fund our recycling system. This will bring consistent and accessible recycling to all state residents. It will reduce packaging and excess waste and create education programs to reduce confusion.

*Cumulative Risk Burden (CURB) Pollution Act, HB1303: from Front & Centered, would build on the success of the Healthy Environmental for All (HEAL) Act by: requiring the consideration of health impacts that are caused by certain pollutants and which currently go unaddressed by the permitting process; specifying communities that have been disproportionately harmed by pollution for specific protections; requiring a lead agency to conduct a detailed environmental justice impact statement that analyzes what cumulative effects a potentially impactful project would have on a pollution-burdened community; elevating voices of community members through frontline community participation in the permit evaluations process; and requiring the denial of certain air pollution permits for a limited number of new facilities seeking to build in communities ranked 9–10 on the Washington Environmental Health Disparities Map.


*Stop investing in coal: The Washington Coal ActSB 5439, would require the Washington State Investment Board to move an estimated $2.6 billion in assets out of coal companies and stop any new investments. Washington utilities can no longer burn coal after 2025, so we should not be investing in coal in other places. From the Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement action (PSARA), Third Act Washington, Divest Washington, 350 Washington, Sierra Club Washington, Stop the Money Pipeline, union locals, faith communities, and state pension.


*Building Decarbonization: bills from Shift Zero, Zero Carbon Building Alliance

2025 Session Buildings Priorities Email to Legislators – Google Docs

  • Weatherization Plus Health,$36 million: This proven program keeps housing affordable, creates family-wage careers, reduces energy bills, and improves health and safety for thousands of Washingtonians living on low incomes.
  • Building Energy Upgrade Navigator Funding:Reappropriate $3.5 millionfor the Navigator one-stop-shop to increase access to electrification, weatherization, and efficiency services, and prioritize outreach to low income and overburdened communities. This funding was placed on hold last year, and needs more time to be used in conjunction with federal dollars to make the best use of both sources of funding. 
  • Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) program. HEAR funding supports programs across the state offering rebates and incentives to households and small businesses to purchase and install high-efficiency electric equipment and appliances, leveraging federal dollars. Current modeling shows that $200M is needed for HEAR this biennium to reach eligible residents and keep us on track towards our State Energy Strategy climate targets.   
  • Community Energy Efficiency Program (CEEP),$5 million. Since 2009, CEEP has funded innovative, community-based programs providing education, outreach, technical assistance for electrification and energy efficiency projects targeted towards low and middle income households and underserved businesses and nonprofits.

* Switch to trains! Washington Short Line Railroad Modernization Act, HB 1058, SB 5063 from: Rail Can’t Wait Coalition, 350 Seattle, etc.  2025 legislative rail priorities Pro on House Bill 1058 by going to this page and on SB 5063 by going to this page  “Mode shift” from cargo planes and trucks to trains is a critical climate and environmental issue. Trains are very efficient in terms of energy use, at least 3 times more fuel efficient than trucks. Though they run on diesel now, they can be electrified without over-reliance on resource-intensive batteries because, different from trucks, they operate on a “fixed” system. Mode shift of freight from trucks would reduce wear and tear caused by trucks on highways and help solve the problem of salmon-death due to tire erosion chemicals running off into waterways.  2025 RCW Priorities – Google Docs

* Build Transit Oriented Development now!  HB 1491 We need to increase housing choices near transit investments in light rail, bus rapid transit, and commuter rail, making it easier for Washington families to get to where they need to go without relying on a car. This bill also has a provision for affordable housing units.

Do you support other bills?

Please send to us at admin@southseattleclimate.org


Act Now for Climate Justice: Message Template                                                              

Call or write your State Rep or Senator to advocate and vote for your bill

Sample phone or email message:

               Please vote for (choose bill). As a ______(describe yourself by role, identity) and member of South Seattle Climate Action Network,  I urge you to advocate and vote for (this bill) because ………( explain why you care & your experience)

            Please let me know what you think about this bill and what you will do. Thank you!  Sincerely,

 (Your name, address, email)


Look up your state legislators here: https://leg.wa.gov/legislators/

Call or write to your 37th District Legislators:

Senator Rebecca Saldana, 360-786-7688, Rebecca.saldana@leg.wa.gov

Representative Sharon Tomiko Santos, 360-786-7944, sharontomiko.santos@leg.wa.gov

Representative Chipalo Street, 360-786-7838, chipalo.street@leg.wa.gov

Legislative Hotline: 1-800-562-6000, 8:00 am-7:00 pm Monday-Friday

*Sign up for the 350 WA Civic Action Team (CAT) Action Alerts The 350 WA Civic Action Team invites us to call, write, or testify to support sound and just climate policy in the Washington State Legislature. SIGN UP to receive Action Alerts during the session! 

 Act Now for Climate Justice                                                                                           

Ask your State Representatives to advocate and vote for:

Sample Message:

               As a ______(describe yourself) and member of South Seattle Climate Action Network,  I urge you to…..because I………

            Please let me know what you think about this bill and what you will do. Thank you!  Sincerely,

 (Your name, address, email)


Your 37th District Legislators:

Senator Rebecca Saldana, 360-786-7688, Rebecca.saldana@leg.wa.gov

Representative Sharon Tomiko Santos, 360-786-7944, sharontomiko.santos@leg.wa.gov

Representative Eric Pettigrew, 360-786-7838, eric.pettigrew@leg.wa.gov

Legislative Hotline: 1-800-562-6000, 8:00 am-7:00 pm Monday-Friday


Past Priorities



Federal Legislative Priorities


    • that increases funding for organic, sustainable farming methods
    • that transfers significant funding from large agricultural interests to small, local farms


State Legislative Priorities

CURB ACT We need to prevent and reduce pollution in communities that have borne a disproportionate burden and ensuring that state investments in climate change and environmental justice align with the demands of frontline communities and commitments made in state law.

HOLD OIL COMPANIES ACCOUNTABLE We need transparency around how oil companies set their prices as well as accountability to stop their greenwashing and price gouging 

100% CLEAN SCHOOL BUSES Almost all school buses in our state currently run on diesel. Research shows that air pollution inside the bus can be more than four times worse than outside. We need 100% electric school buses. 

Re-WRAP ACT We need to shift the costs for the recycling system from ratepayers to the manufacturers that have created the problem by creating a set of graduated fees on packaging manufacturers based on the recyclability/sustainability of their packaging. 

RIGHT TO REPAIR (HB 1933) Expand the scope of last year’s bill to cover appliances, agricultural equipment, and powered wheelchairs as well as computers and cell phones. 

BUY CLEAN BUY FAIR Establishes reporting requirements for embodied carbon and fair labor practices for new state buildings and a HOME ENERGY SCORE  for existing single-family homes 

RESTRICT FOSSIL GAS IN BUILDINGS Defend last year’s State Building Code Council updates against efforts to weaken their restrictions on the use of fossil gas in buildings. 

COMMUNITY SOLAR Create a statewide community solar program enabling energy affordability through solar for more Washingtonians.

WASHINGTON GREEN AMENDMENT Support a green amendment to our state constitution.


Local Priorities





2023 Priorities

Federal Legislative Priorities

  • Support A Farm Bill
    • that increases funding for organic, sustainable farming methods
    • that transfers significant funding from large agricultural interests to small, local farms
  • Reduce Military Spending

State Legislative Priorities

  • Support Green Transportation Budget
    • that limits new roads
    • supports public transit
  • Support Green Building Codes
    • Phase out gas for heating and/or cooking
    • Support electric heating/cooling and/or cooking
  • Support Forest Protection
  • Support Green Building Codes
  • Support A Growth Management Act
    • that limits deforestation
    • that limits sprawl

Local Priorities

  • Educate through MMP – YOUTH v GOV
  • Support Urban Agriculture
  • Noemie – Save North SeaTac Park
  • Protect Trees
  • Seattle Green New Deal
  • Federal Priorities
  • Pass the Fed Green New Deal
  • Meet w 9th Congressional District Candidates


Support Aligned Groups

  • 350 Seattle
  • 37th ECC
  • Seattle Climate Hub
  • Shift Zero
  • Got Green
  • Front and Centered


State Legislative Priorities

  • Support Green Transportation Budget
    • that limits new roads
    • supports public transit
  • Pursue Universal K-12 Climate Change Education in K-12 Schools
    • e.g. in-service training for teachers
    • solarize schools campaign (resilient communities campaign)

Support Aligned Groups

  • 350 Seattle
  • 37th ECC
  • Seattle Climate Hub
  • Shift Zero
  • Got Green
  • Front and Centered

Local Priorities

  • Educate through MMP – YOUTH v GOV
  • Support our Allies
  • Noemie – Save North SeaTac Park
  • Protect Trees
  • Seattle Green New Deal
  • Federal Priorities
  • Pass the Fed Green New Deal
  • Meet w 9th Congressional District Candidates



  • Priorities
  • Declare a Climate Change Emergency in Washington State
  • Institute a Low Carbon Fuel Standard
  • Ban the Sale of New Internal Combustion Vehicles in Washington State by 2030
  • Pass the Healthy Environment for All (“HEAL”) Act
  • Institute Mandatory K-12 Climate Change Education in K-12 Schools
  • Ensure an Effective Rewrite of the Growth Management Act
    • More Aggressive Emission Reduction Targets
    • Utilization of Innovative Concepts (e.g., 15-Minute Communities)
  • Pass a Carbon Tax – We Favor the Washington Strong Proposal
  • Institute a Significant New Progressive Source of Taxation
    • To Both Raise Taxes and to Make the Tax Code More Progressive


Note: We remain committed to the Breakthrough Policies that were priorities in 2019 (IMPLEMENT STATEWIDE PRICE ON CARBON IMMEDIATELY; INSTITUTE 100% RENEWABLE POWERED ELECTRIC GRID BY 2040; MAKE COAL ILLEGAL FOR ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION BY 2025; MAKE NEW FOSSIL FUEL INFRASTRUCTURE ILLEGAL IMMEDIATELY; BAN INTERNAL COMBUSION ENGINES BY 2030; REQUIRE ALL PUBLIC FLEETS TO BE ELECTRIC – NEW PURCHASES STARTING IMMEDIATELY; INSTITUTE MANDATORY K-12 CLIMATE CHANGE CURRICULUM STATEWIDE IMMEDIATELY). As indicated by our 2021 priorities, we also remain committed to progressive tax reform; low carbon land use reform; opposition to increased military spending and nuclear weapons.


SSCAN 2020 Legislative Priorities

Zero-Emission Vehicle Mandate
Low Carbon Fuel Intensity
Heal Act (Climate Justice)
Banning Internal Combustion Vehicles (Will Not Pass)
Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Opposition – Tacoma LNG and Methanol Plant
Bill to Ban Blocking of Intersections and Expanded Use of Traffic Cameras
K-12 Education On Climate (Nothing Major in Process of Being Introduced)

We added three new areas: progressive tax reform, low carbon land use reform, and reduction in military spending as well as opposition to nuclear weapons. Here  is a summary of their importance in the context of the climate emergency.

Progressive tax reform: To pay for the Green New Deal, local and state Governments need adequate revenue that is based on a fair tax system. We don’t have this now. A recent report found that in our current tax structure “the poorest fifth of residents pay 17.8 percent, (while) the top 1 percent only pay about 3 percent of their income in taxes.” Our state and local tax system, considered the most regressive in the country, has long been unfair and dysfunctional. As the crises of climate change hit us, that will become dramatically worse — our poorest communities will both pay the highest state and local taxes, and face the brunt of damages from heat waves, floods, and poor air quality.

Low Carbon Land Use reform: The land use patterns of most of our communities around the state have been built for cars to be the sole significant transportation mode. These low density communities, a.k.a. suburban sprawl, have much bigger carbon footprints that denser, transit oriented development. Please explore Legislation that both limits the future construction of sprawling development, and retrofits existing communities.

Military Spending and Opposition to Nuclear Weapons. A recent report from NuclearBan.US (www.nuclearban.us/w2w/) shows three ways eliminating nuclear weapons will help solve the climate crisis: 1) Money: The Federal government spends a staggering amount of our tax dollars on the production, maintenance, and modernization of nuclear weapons, estimated in 2019 to be $54.8 billion which could fund the Green New Deal. 2) Scientific and Engineering Talent: In 2016, in the U.S., 5 out of 10 STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) graduates went to work for companies that design, build and


SSCAN 2019 Legislative Priorities

In 2018, recognizing the urgency of the climate crisis, SSCAN supported 8 Breakthrough Climate Policies. None of these policies were pushed forward in the legislature but the urgency of the climate crisis has only increased. As such, we continue to prioritize the Breakthrough Climate Policies identified in 2018. In addition, recognizing that our State Legislature is intent on taking incremental steps, we endorse the Environmental Priorities Coalition 2019 Legislative Priorities.


There are carbon pricing plans in many countries worldwide, and a number of U.S. states (California, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland and Delaware), as well as British Columbia.  Carbon pricing plans have been proposed in Olympia during the past few legislative sessions.  It is time for Washington State to implement a carbon pricing scheme – either via the State Legislature or via a ballot initiative.

Washington State should seek to have its entire electric grid powered by clean and renewable energy by 2040.  As a state with abundant hydropower, this objective is easier to achieve in Washington than it is elsewhere.  Hawaii has already established a plan to move to 100% green energy by 2045.

Despite being an extremely carbon intensive fossil fuel, it still plays a role in electricity production.  It is used at the TransAlta facility in Centralia, and also used at facilities in Coalstrip, Montana, which then export the electricity to Washington (“coal by wire”).  The use of coal for electricity should be made illegal in Washington State.  Oregon has already passed such a measure.

Washington has been steadfast in its opposition to new fossil fuel infrastructure projects in the state.  However, rather than go through the lengthy process of opposing each project on a one-by-one basis, the state should enact legislation to permanently ban all new fossil fuel infrastructure projects.  This has already been done in Portland, Oregon.

Electric vehicles are the future of U.S. transportation, but the implementation of this future reality needs to be hastened.  Many countries in Europe are pursuing bans on the sale of new internal combustion vehicles, and California is considering such a ban.  Washington State should pursue this strategy.

As the government purchases new vehicles for public fleets (e.g., cars for public agencies, school buses, etc.), it should insist that the new vehicles are electric.

A number of locals – both domestically and internationally – have created specialized business development zones to foster rapid technological and economic development in target industries.  Well-known examples include Silicon Valley in the Bay Area and Route 128 in Massachusetts for high-technology.  These zones are economically incentivized to encourage a number of firms to locate in the same area, thereby creating clusters.  These clusters thrive on the synergistic benefits of the co-location of similar firms.  Washington State should create a business cluster for green energy technology.

One of the most appalling dimensions of the climate crisis is the ongoing effort to denigrate the established science on climate change.  It is imperative for the public to have the highest-quality, most up-to-date science on climate change.  And it is critical for the nation’s youth to learn about the climate crisis.  To this end, Washington should institute a formal unit on climate change into its K-12 curriculum throughout the state.  This has already been done in Portland, Oregon.


SSCAN 2018 Legislative Priorities


There are carbon pricing plans in many countries worldwide, and a number of U.S. states (California, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland and Delaware), as well as British Columbia.  Carbon pricing plans have been proposed in Olympia during the past few legislative sessions.  It is time for Washington State to implement a carbon pricing scheme – either via the State Legislature or via a ballot initiative.  The Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy will put a carbon pricing initiative on the ballot in 2018.

Washington State should seek to have its entire electric grid powered by clean and renewable energy by 2040.  As a state with abundant hydropower, this objective is easier to achieve in Washington than it is elsewhere.  Hawaii has already established a plan to move to 100% green energy by 2045.

Despite being an extremely carbon intensive fossil fuel, it still plays a role in electricity production.  It is used at the TransAlta facility in Centralia, and also used at facilities in Coalstrip, Montana, which then export the electricity to Washington (“coal by wire”).  The use of coal for electricity should be made illegal in Washington State.  Oregon has already passed such a measure.

Washington has been steadfast in its opposition to new fossil fuel infrastructure projects in the state.  However, rather than go through the lengthy process of opposing each project on a one-by-one basis, the state should enact legislation to permanently ban all new fossil fuel infrastructure projects.  This has already been done in Portland, Oregon.

Electric vehicles are the future of U.S. transportation, but the implementation of this future reality needs to be hastened.  Many countries in Europe are pursuing bans on the sale of new internal combustion vehicles, and California is considering such a ban.  Washington State should pursue this strategy.

As the government purchases new vehicles for public fleets (e.g., cars for public agencies, school buses, etc.), it should insist that the new vehicles are electric.

A number of locals – both domestically and internationally – have created specialized business development zones to foster rapid technological and economic development in target industries.  Well-known examples include Silicon Valley in the Bay Area and Route 128 in Massachusetts for high-technology.  These zones are economically incentivized to encourage a number of firms to locate in the same area, thereby creating clusters.  These clusters thrive on the synergistic benefits of the co-location of similar firms.  Washington State should create a business cluster for green energy technology.

One of the most appalling dimensions of the climate crisis is the ongoing effort to denigrate the established science on climate change.  It is imperative for the public to have the highest-quality, most up-to-date science on climate change.  And it is critical for the nation’s youth to learn about the climate crisis.  To this end, Washington should institute a formal unit on climate change into its K-12 curriculum throughout the state.  This has already been done in Portland, Oregon.


SSCAN 2017 Legislative Priorities

Carbon Tax

We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions to address the harmful effects of climate change and protect our health, communities, and economy. Because of this, a “price on carbon” has long been a priority for SSCAN. A well designed carbon tax will help us to transition to clean, efficient energy which will grow our economy and create a new wave of jobs and prosperity. We ask our legislators to voice strong support for a carbon tax, and to negotiate as high a carbon tax as possible in our divided legislature. We also support policy that will 1) drive investment in clean energy, healthy forests, and water infrastructure and 2) invest in vulnerable communities that have been hit hardest by fossil fuel pollution and climate change. We recognize that we must fund education AND essential state services. Putting a price on carbon can help us do this. We ask that our legislators strongly advocate for, and lead the effort, to try and implement a carbon tax.

Oil Transportation Safety Bill: HB 1611 & SB 5462

With the approval of the Kinder Morgan pipeline, we expect an increase in tanker traffic by 700% through the Salish Sea, meaning more oil moving through pipelines and more export terminals, making Washington State a target for dangerous spills and explosions.

We support the Oil Transportation Safety Bill because it will:
• Ensure that the oil industry pays in the case of a spill or other disaster
• Update funding for prevention, preparedness and response
• Protect Puget Sound from increased oil barges and other vessels from the Kinder Morgan Pipeline
• Protect against refineries turning into transshipment terminals
• Strengthen oversight of pipeline safety
We support this legislation to ensure common sense safety measures that will provide funding for oil spill prevention and response.

Fund the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA): HB 1663 & SB 5501

The Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) has been a successful law dedicated to cleaning up of toxic waste sites, preventing the use of harmful chemicals in products, and controlling pollution to protect water quality. The law relies on one of the most volatile revenue sources in the state budget–the hazardous substance tax. Because oil prices have plummeted and the MTCA fund has been raided repeatedly for other programs, there is a $75 million shortfall in its funding. This priority will impose a tax surcharge on imported toxics to ensure the money is secure and stable to solve the $75 million shortfall. The MTCA is dedicated to the cleanup of toxic sites which often happen in the poorest of our communities. We must care for the most vulnerable and insure that all communities have access to clean water, a stable environment, and good health. Fully funding the MTCA is one important way that we can do so.

Solar Tax Credits: HB 1048 & SB 5499

This bill promotes a sustainable, local renewable energy industry through modifying renewable energy system tax incentives and providing guidance for renewable energy system component recycling. We support this legislation because it will promote solar power by reducing the per-kilowatt-hour incentive rate to reflect the improving market and costs of solar systems, while maintaining an in-state manufacturing incentive.


SSCAN 2016 Legislative Priority

Make climate change a priority for our state and local officials.