Hi everyone,

SSCAN leaders have been organizing weekly canvassing efforts on Saturdays in the Columbia City area opposing the 4 dangerous initiatives on the November ballot – including Initiative 2117. We encourage folks to get involved. Below is another opportunity from our friends with the Westside UU Environmental Justice Group!

Join the Westside UU Congregation Environmental Justice Group this and following Sundays (until the election) to wave signs and provide info at the Alaska Junction opposing the dangerous Initiative 2117, which would eliminate WA’s Climate Commitment Act. 

We will gather, wave and inform from 12:30-2 p.m. at California Ave SW and SW Alaska. 

All are welcome. 

Sign up here:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0F44A4AF22A1FE3-51111187-junction

Contact John at jfawcettlong @ gmail.com  with any questions.
