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Save the date(s) – Meaningful Movies Events About Gentrification and Homelessness – January 18 and 21
Mt Baker Meaningful Movies and First Church Meaningful Movies are partnering with PBS/Indie Lens to screen Razing Liberty Square on January 18th at 6PM. We will also be providing access to the film Stories of Us: Camp Second Chance. A community conversation for both...
Meet at Pier 69 – Tuesday Dec 12, 11:30
Show up for the Port of Seattle's last public meeting before public comment closes on its Land Stewardship Plan. The Port's Land Stewardship Plan outlines environmental stewardship policies for land that the agency owns (2,768 acres) - excluding North SeaTac Park. Any...
Send Comments To Support BEPS
From Rachel Koller at Shift Zero: Excited to relay that BEPS was voted out of committee this morning (unanimous support!) and will be voted on in the full council meeting December 12th at 2pm as planned. We've had strong testimony in support at both council committee...
Climate News 12.3.2023
Seattle The Special Committee on Climate Change met on Nov 29 for the introduction of the Building Emissions Performance Standards. The legislation is proposed by the Mayor, and has been sponsored by Lisa Herbold, as well as by Theresa Mosqueda and Dan Strauss....
IRA Funds Should Support Small Farmers
The IRA funds are under threat - members of Congress, including Chairman of the House Ag Committee, GT Thompson, have proposed diverting billions of dollars towards commodity programs. Commodity programs historically receive a larger sum of funding than conservation...
WA State Building Code Updates
For Immediate Release: November 28, 2023 Contact: Tiffany Cain, Resource Media,, (706) 669-9304 WA State Building Code Council Votes to Protect Energy Codes and Ensure they are Among the Most Climate & Health Friendly in...