Worried about our agriculture system? Worried about small farms (and famers)? Please learn about the EATS Act and then contact your legislators. Here’s what you can do:
Action Items
- CONTACT your state legislators and local elected officials using this email template to invite them to sign on to their respective letters urging Congressional opposition to the EATS Act
- JOIN Defeat EATS google group (defeateats@googlegroups.com). Email Sarah (scarden@farmactionfund.us) for more info.
- SHARE video testimonials. Gene Jonas: Twitter and Facebook
Below is the sign on letter (linked above) for state legislators who are opposed to S.2019/H.R.4417, the Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression (EATS) Act. Please encourage your state legislators to join this growing coalition.
Dear Chairwoman Stabenow, Ranking Member Boozman, Chairman Thompson, and Ranking Member Scott:
We are state legislators from across the country and write to voice our strong opposition to S.2019/H.R.4417, the Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression (EATS) Act. If included in the 2023 Farm Bill, the EATS Act would ignore the will of voters, threaten hundreds of existing state laws, and infringe on the constitutional right of states to pass laws protecting their citizens, animals, and the environment.
Under the guise of protecting state’s autonomy over agricultural practices, the EATS Act would tie the hands of state legislators who are working to build a more humane and resilient food system, negating countless state and local laws across all 50 states. These include laws and regulations to ensure baby and infant food safety, prevent invasive pests, and prohibit animal cruelty. The EATS Act also threatens laws, including those governing food procurement, intended to support local, independent farmers employing higher-welfare and more sustainable practices. Inclusion of the EATS Act in the Farm Bill would hurt not only independent farmers across the country who have made significant investments in achieving higher animal welfare and sustainability standards, but also countless food businesses who have made similar investments to align with existing state laws and regulations.
Federal law should complement state regulations, not limit them. Federal law should not strip away the rights of fairly elected state lawmakers to protect public health and safety, safeguard food supply chains, adapt to extreme weather, and implement animal protection laws. The EATS Act would unconstitutionally and egregiously limit states’ ability to pass and enforce these critical protections, insulating a handful of agribusiness corporations from accountability while putting millions at risk. It is imperative that states maintain their constitutionally protected authority to pass laws safeguarding the wellbeing of people and animals while avoiding opening the floodgates to unnecessary litigation—a direct result should the EATS Act be enacted.
Accordingly, the below signed ### lawmakers from ## states across the country urge Congress to oppose the inclusion of the EATS Act and any similar provisions restricting states’ rights in the 2023 Farm Bill. Thank you for your consideration.
Sen. Scott Kawasaki, AK
Rep. Stephanie Stahl Hamilton, AZ
Assm. Laura Friedman, CA
Rep. Aundre Bumgardner, CT
Rep. Brianna Titone, CO
Rep. Karen McCormick, CO
Rep. Manny Rutinel, CO
Rep. Anna Eskamani, FL
Sen. Geraldine Thompson, FL
Rep. Rita Harris, FL
Sen. Kim Jackson, GA
Rep. Kim Schofield, GA
Rep. Marvin Lim, GA
Rep. Amy Perruso, HI
Sen. Shelli Yoder, IN
Rep. Art Stead, IA
Rep. Charles Isenhart, IA
Rep. Elinor Levin, IA
Rep. Elizabeth Wilson, IA
Rep. J.D. Scholten, IA
Rep. Megan Srinivas, IA
Rep. Sharon Steckman, IA
Rep. Tracy Ehlert, IA
Sen. Mary Ware, KS
Rep. Keturah Herron, KY
Rep. Jason Hughes, LA
Rep. Bill Pluecker, ME
Rep. Lynne Williams, ME
Rep. Sophie Warren, ME
Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa, MA
Rep. Carrie Rheingans, MI
Rep. Emily Dievendorf, MI
Sen. Hillman Frazier, MS
Sen. Andrea Olsen, MT
Assm. Michelle Gorelow, NV
Assm. Natha Anderson, NV
Rep. Caleb Rudow, NC
Rep. Cynthia Ball, NC
Rep. Julie von Haefen, NC
Rep. Lindsey Prather, NC
Rep. Pricey Harrison, NC
Rep. Renee Price, NC
Rep. Rosa Gill, NC
Rep. Khanh Pham, OR
Rep. Mark Gamba, OR
Sen. Judith Schwank, PA
Sen. Meghan Kallman, RI
Rep. Michelle McGaw, RI
Rep. Rebecca Kislak, RI
Rep. Terri-Denise Cortvriend, RI
Sen. Liz Larson, SD
Rep. Mike Rice, VT
Rep. Mia Gregerson, WA