Climate News 10.3.24

Climate News 10.3.24

Seattle The Mayor presented his proposed budget for the City to Council. The City is facing a $260M deficit, and needs to have a balanced budget by the end of the year. The Mayor’s proposal is to take $287M from funds that would normally be allocated to...
Oppose Initiative 2117

Oppose Initiative 2117

Hi everyone, SSCAN leaders have been organizing weekly canvassing efforts on Saturdays in the Columbia City area opposing the 4 dangerous initiatives on the November ballot – including Initiative 2117. We encourage folks to get involved. Below is another...
Meaningful Movie – Stories of Us: Camp Second Chance

Meaningful Movie – Stories of Us: Camp Second Chance

Since the pandemic, the West Seattle Meaningful Movies group has co-hosted online events with the Mt Baker Meaningful Movies Group. The Mt Baker Meaningful Movies team is delighted that Westside Unitarian Universalist Church is providing a new home for in-person...
October SSCAN Meeting

October SSCAN Meeting

Our upcoming will be on October 3rd at 6PM. Join us on zoom, to learn how SSCAN is leading canvassing efforts in South Seattle to inform people about how they can protect the climate commitment act and defeat initiative 2117 as well as other dangerous initiatives that...
Climate News 9.5.2024

Climate News 9.5.2024

Seattle Seattle received a $5.5M grant from FEMA to install air conditioning at five branch libraries: Columbia, Fremont, Queen Anne, University, and West Seattle as part of a program to establish resilience hubs. FEMA will supply 90% of the funding, and the remaining...