

SSCAN is a non-partisan organization but we CAN express opinions about initiatives. Along with many other environmental organizations, we encourage you to research the initiatives on the WA State ballot for November and if you do, we think you will agree that we need...
Week without driving

Week without driving

“Week without driving” Monday, Sept. 30th-Sunday, Oct. 6th “? The #WeekWithoutDriving challenge was launched in 2021 by Anna Zivarts at Disability Rights Washington. After two successful years, in 2023 in partnership...
Meaningful Movies in-person event – UNPREPARED

Meaningful Movies in-person event – UNPREPARED

7:00 PM, Saturday, September 14, 2024 PST Location: Meaning Movies Rainier Beach  Rainier Beach Community Club 6038 So. Pilgrim St. Seattle,WA Please join us as we take a hard look at our level of preparedness for a projected large NW earthquake that could happen in...
Climate News 08.05.24

Climate News 08.05.24

Seattle New budget projections are in, and the city’s projected deficit has increased slightly again to $260M (Seattle Times, paywall). Revenue from all of the taxes that go into the General Fund are down, while the JumpStart payroll revenue is up.  It is...
Climate News 7.8.24

Climate News 7.8.24

Seattle Council votes tomorrow on the final form of the Transportation Levy for the November ballot. When originally proposed back in April, it was $1.35B, but through advocacy it is now a larger levy with $149 million in additional funding for multi-modal...