SSCAN supports Community Solar and we hope you will too! See below for a resolution that we have signed which is led by the Community Solar WA Coalition.

Support Expanding Access to Community Solar in Washington State

WHEREAS Washington has a statutory requirement to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions from Washington electricity generation to zero by 2045 (1) and expansion of solar
energy production is one means of achieving this goal; and the Washington State Democratic
party Platform states the goals of providing equitable rate structures and establishment of
standard interconnection rules, uniform procedures and technical requirements for connecting
renewable energy systems to the electric utility’s grid (2); and   
WHEREAS Washingtonians who live in multifamily residences, are renters, or may lack
financing to install solar panels on their homes, or live in a home that is not oriented for sola, do
not have equal or in some cases equitable access to solar energy and its benefits; and 
WHEREAS community solar projects or programs are a way to enable Washingtonians who
would otherwise be excluded from accessing solar energy to have cost-effective access to the
benefits of solar energy including utility bill savings; and 
WHEREAS community solar projects provide homeowners, renters, and businesses equal
access to the economic and environmental benefits of solar energy generation regardless of the
physical attributes or ownership of their home or business; and
WHEREAS Washington state lacks uniform standards for development of community solar
projects and the electricity they produce; but in states which do have such standards;
community solar continues to see growth in deployment and scalability, with record support and
investment from the Biden Administration through the Inflation Reduction Act (3), 
THEREFORE be it resolved that South Seattle Climate Action Network supports
legislation which instructs the Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) to write rules to
enable community solar projects in Washington state and that these projects incentivize greater
participation of low income homeowners, renters, and businesses, in community solar
programs; and
THEREFORE be it further resolved that the South Seattle Climate Action Network call on our
state senators and representatives to support legislation which enables Community Solar
programs that include equitable rate structures for low-income Washington homeowners,
renters, and businesses; and 
THEREFORE be it finally resolved that this resolution will be distributed to all Democratic