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Rally for green federal environmental laws, workers and programs
Friday, March 21st, 11:30 am and every Friday.Downtown Federal Building, 915 2nd Ave. Bring a sign and friends to the these weekly rallies. We're working to build a grassroot movement to defend our environment, rights and workers.
Seattle Black Panthers Fight for Justice & Freedom
On Thursday January 30, 2025, the Mt.Baker chapter of Meaningful Movies had the privilege of hosting a screening of Seattle Black Panthers: Fight for Justice and Peace at the Mt.Baker Community Club. The event was a tremendous success, as community members were able...
350 Washington CAT’s Legislative Work
Sign up for the 350 WA Civic Action Team (CAT) Action Alerts. CAT invites us to support sound and just climate policy.
Poem for these times
"Change " Sunshine and soft wind draw me out of the house and down the path to the beach, past the fire weed with stems standing brown and mottled in the gully bottom, past the brilliant yellow of new gorse flowers splashed high on...
Climate News 08.05.24
Seattle New budget projections are in, and the city's projected deficit has increased slightly again to $260M (Seattle Times, paywall). Revenue from all of the taxes that go into the General Fund are down, while the JumpStart payroll revenue is up. It is...
Climate News 7.8.24
Seattle Council votes tomorrow on the final form of the Transportation Levy for the November ballot. When originally proposed back in April, it was $1.35B, but through advocacy it is now a larger levy with $149 million in additional funding for multi-modal...