Meaningful Movies discusses Occupation of the American Mind, Sunday, February 23, 12:30 pm
Mount Baker Meaningful Movies and the First Church MM group invite you to a discussion prompted by The Occupation of the American Mind, a documentary that shows how the Israeli government and pro-Israel lobby groups have influenced the American media for more than 50 years to shape the views of American people on Israel’s control of the West Bank and Gaza. This event is co-hosted by Mt. Baker Meaningful Movies, Tacoma Meaningful Movies, and Renton Meaningful Movies.
We’ll start the discussion with speakers Amin Odeh with Voices for Palestine and Kayla Blau with Jewish Voice for Peace about their experiences in Gaza and the West Bank, challenges faced by Palestinians, American media bias, and what we can do to support peace. Attendees will be invited to ask questions. Register for the event here: The Occupation of the American Mind | Meaningful Movies Project to attend in person or via Zoom. After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link, or you can join us in person at First Church Seattle (click for map) 180 Denny Way Seattle, WA.
Before the event, you can watch the documentary, at your convenience, on You Tube: The Occupation of the American Mind | New and Abridged (49 mins) | Released Oct. 25, 2023.