Washington residents will see Initiative 2066 on their ballots this fall, a misleading and harmful ballot initiative backed by fossil fuel corporations and powerful special interests in an effort to eliminate key affordability and energy efficiency policy at the state and local level, and experts have raised serious concerns about the potential impacts that the initiative would have on energy bills. The initiative is part of a suite of four initiatives funded by mega millionaire Brian Heywood, which are trying to undo the State’s progress on issues from health care to combating the climate crisis.

A broad coalition made up of environmental organizations, affordable housing developers, labor unions, builders, small business owners, and public health advocates has formed to fight this effort and encourage Washington residents to VOTE NO On 2066. 

I-2066 would:

  • increase energy bills. It would require utility companies to continue investing in outdated technology, and the costs would be passed onto families and businesses.
  • attack energy efficiency. It would roll back modern protections that make homes and businesses more energy efficient. It jeopardizes energy efficiency programs and would take away important customer rebates, raising costs for Washingtonians.
  • stop towns, cities and counties from making decisions that work best for their communities. It’s an overreach designed to prevent local decision-making.

This initiative is funded by powerful interest groups including fossil fuel corporations that want to increase their profits while Washington families pay higher energy bills and increasingly experience the impacts of the climate crisis. Communities must reject this bad faith effort and vote NO on 2066.

I-2066 increases energy bills

I-2066 would increase energy bills in multiple ways. The initiative is an assault on energy efficiency programs and standards that have saved Washingtonians thousands on their energy bills and reduce stress on the electric grid during extreme weather. It would also gut standards that ensure new buildings are being built so they don’t waste energy. This would mean higher monthly energy bills for future renters and homeowners.

I-2066 harms our health and clean air

I-2066 would weaken key policies that protect clean air and threaten public health protections against harmful pollution. It could prevent local and state clean air agencies from passing protections that help protect health and reduce diseases like asthma, COPD, and cancer.

I-2066 will take Washington’s clean energy transition off track

I-2066 would roll back our state’s efforts to reduce climate and air pollution and keep us dependent on dirty fossil fuels for decades to come. In fact, I-2066 repeals a section of law that states standards for new buildings must “help achieve the broader goal of building zero fossil-fuel greenhouse gas emission homes and buildings.”

In order to fight higher energy bills, protect clean air, and combat the climate crisis, the answer is clear – VOTE NO on 2066. 

Learn more at no2066.org