A healthier climate starts with connected neighbors and empowered communities.


Who We Are

The South Seattle Climate Action Network is a community of concerned citizens seeking to address climate justice via community building, working with elected officials, and partnering with allied organization. We are a grassroots, all-volunteer organization that seeks to develop strong relationships with our South Seattle legislators to support meaningful environmental and climate legislation.

We’re ordinary people, just like you. We are juggling jobs, kids, and relationships. We have bills to pay, children to love, friends and family to support. We don’t feel like we have all the answers. But the urgency of the climate crisis leaves us with no other option but to act for our planet, our communities and our families.

Learn more: SSCAN Legislative Priorities 2025


Climate 101: Action & Hope

Climate 101: Action & Hope

Join us April 17 for a climate change videos and a discussion focused on WA State. Let’s come together for a healthy environment.

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Seattle/King County Climate News 3.10.25

Seattle/King County Climate News 3.10.25

Between the State of the City address and the Legislative Session, there's a lot to report. Here we go: Seattle The Mayor gave his State of the City address.  He announced plans to update the City's Climate Action Plan. He pledged to expedite the West Seattle/Ballard...

Climate 101: Action & Hope

Climate 101: Action & Hope

Join us April 17 for a climate change videos and a discussion focused on WA State. Let’s come together for a healthy environment.

What We Do


SSCAN leaders and volunteers advocate for public policy that reduces greenhouse gas emissions in Washington State and prepares our communities, especially the most vulnerable, for anticipated climate change effects. 


SSCAN works on anti-war legislation because our military is the largest producer of greenhouse gases and because many SSCAN members are in the 9th Congressional District. Congressman Adam Smith is the chair of the House Armed Services Committee.


SSCAN leaders and volunteers organize and/or support several community-driven urban agriculture projects including the Mt Baker Food Is Free Community Giving Garden, Bradner Garden Pea Patch and the Shark Garden..

Upcoming Events

At SSCAN’s monthly meet-ups and Meaningful Movies events, we  host speakers who provide educational presentations on topics relevant to climate change and environmental protection. We also coordinate semi-regular meetings with our legislators at all levels of government.

SSCAN Action Meeting

April 3 at 6:00PM

We will be discussing the 2025 state legislative session.

350 WA CAT Outreach

Sign up for 350 WA Civic Action Team Alerts 
The 350 WA Civic Action Team invites us to call, write, or testify to support sound and just climate policy in the Washington State Legislature. 
SIGN UP to receive Action Alerts during the session! 

Write letters to the Editor

Write letters responding to climate stories to the editor of your local papers e.g. Seattle Times: mailto:letters@seattletimes.com 

Start with a mention of a recent climate article, then call for green policy action. Keep it short-less than 200 words. See this example:

You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make

- Jane Goodall